Top 4 Wealth Creation Resources and Spotlights from Black History Month

Happy March! I hope this week is providing the wealth you so deserve, and that you are worthy of getting!

We just ended Black History month and started Women’s History month here in the U.S., and thus I hope that you are energized by these important contributions to American history. 

I’m excited because I have lots of goodies for you today, so read all the way through. 

First, as I’ve been out on the speaking circuit for my book, I’ve heard lots of feedback that it’s been a particularly anxiety-provoking time as it relates to your money given tax season, performance reviews (and bonuses), job transitions, and general exhaustion with the pandemic. If you find yourself saddled with stress as you figure things out, I want you to know that you are not alone. Part of handling the stress is allowing yourself to take a pause from the rat race, evaluating what is causing you stress, and trying to focus on addressing those particular parts of the money equation. Hang in there, and you will be on your way toward wealth! Remember, this is the year of renewal, and I want you to find ways to do so. 

Secondly, its earnings season for many publicly traded companies in the U.S. stock market. A stand-out in the pack is Target (Ticker: TGT). You should know that I thoroughly enjoyed my in-store trip to Target this weekend (oh, the granola bars that only Target stocks - yum!!). I hadn’t set foot in a Target store in months as I’ve been ordering a lot from them, and same-day I might add, through their online Shipt service. Well, the stock took a tumble amidst strong earnings, from trading at new highs close to $190 per share a few days ago to just over $173 per share as of today’s end. The company reported strong earnings, driven a lot through online shoppers like myself and demand for certain goods. That said, Target also announced that it will make a $4 billion a year investment in revamping its stores in the next few years and refrained from providing earnings guidance. Investors were indeed surprised at the magnitude and speed of investment. 

Many Charisse Says members always ask me about my opinion on individual stocks. Y’all know I typically love Exchange Traded Funds over individual stocks, but I want to give you a few things to consider.  

I think Target is a quintessential example of a company that is now investing for the long-term, and one must wonder if the stock pullback provides an opportunity. I’m sure you can find other examples that are in a similar predicament as Target. As with any investment opportunity, I want to ask yourself these important questions: 

  • What do you believe is the long-term investment opportunity with Target, and its underlying business fundamentals?

  • Do you expect Target to continue to meet customer demands to drive growth?

  • Is the stock cheap enough for me to make money over a particular period of time?

Put in the comments if you have other stocks that you are me know if you have any other stocks that you are looking at over this earnings season.

Here’s a roundup of some of my favorite Black History month reads and podcasts related to holsitic wealth creation:

  • New report by Charles Schwab and Ariel - Great data to encourage you to continue to invest in the market! “There is also evidence of growing engagement in the stock market by younger Black Americans, with 63 percent under the age of 40 now participating in the stock market, equal to their white counterparts. The closing of this gap among younger investors is being driven by new investors: three times as many Black investors as white investors (15% vs. 5%) report having invested in the market for the first time in 2020."

  • Black Mental Matters Ep 60 Moving The Needle Forward with Henry A. Golatt - My friend and industry partner at my day job Next Street speaks fervently about faith, entrepreneurship, and building wealth. Henry speaks boldly about what it takes to have the impact you want in your community!

  • ALL REPORT: Culture, Diversity, Leadership - Stop Talking And Execute - New book by Diane Primo that talks about how we can show up at work to drive toward the kind of diverse workplaces we want to work for or lead.

  • Ernie J. Kight is Black History. He’s my mentor and friend who passed away this past week. Mr. Kight created so much wealth for others. It only takes one person to have tremendous impact. You can read Ernie Kight, Jr.’s his story here.

Finally, there will now be ‘A Wealthy Girl’ corner in my newsletter to keep up with all things related to my book (updates, deals, other wealthy women, etc.)...

A Wealthy Girl Corner

  • Many of you have asked: How can I help? Well, a few ways:

    • Buy books, for yourself and others

    • Leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads. It takes 2 minutes. Here’s how.

    • Spread the word

    • If you think I will be a good speaker for your company, event, or conference, please reach out to me

  • If you missed the launch event several weeks ago, don’t fret. You can now watch the recording HERE.

  • I recently spoke with Joy Williams of SoulJoyWellness, and we got down on all things self-care related that can lead to wealth. Check out her joyous platform here.

  • Here's a recent talk I did with Author Minda Harts, who is phenomenal. We talked misconceptions on wealth, strategies to go get wealth, and rap lyrics!

  • While you're waiting for spring, or the vaccine, or the world to resume, why not write? I am! You can find inspiration and advice in The Writer's Process by Anne Janzer,- she's great. Her e-book is on SALE for only $0.99 until THIS Saturday, so get yours and spread the wealth!

  • I will be speaking with the ‘Flower Girls Meet’ community on Saturday, March 20th from 2-3:15pm CST online. I will be joined in the conversation by Life Coach Kristin Vierra of Ama La Vida (ALV), an innovative career, life, health, and leadership coaching company. Get your FREE tickets HERE.