Summer 2021 Reads and Summer Break

I hope you have been taking advantage of these summer days, albeit grilling in the backyard, going on a trip, and simply taking a stroll in the heat (but not too hot!). 

There’s nothing like seeing people reunite. Since the spring, I have been especially overjoyed seeing people gather for celebrations that they missed due to COVID-19. I’m sure you have a new appreciation for simply ‘getting together’ locally or traveling to see friends and family. 

And at the same time, I’ve heard from others who would rather skip the extra trips for time to stay home and be still. These people have enjoyed the benefits of being in lockdown, which include slowing down their pace of movement and social commitments or perhaps basking in newfound activities on the homefront. 

Whatever place you fall on the spectrum, I think there is universal appreciation for the ability to ‘take a break’ from the daily grind and routine to recharge. Summer is the opportune time to do so.


Therefore, I ask you three questions: 

  1. Have you truly taken a summer break to recharge? 

  2. Can you tap into any stored up mileage or reward points, even if you’re staying local, to fund your summer recharge activities? [BTW - credit card and reward companies have gotten much more stingy and please avoid these 12 mistakes people make with reward travel cards.]

  3. Who amongst your circle of friends and families has not had the opportunity to take a summer break yet? How will help them do so? 

And, here are some of my new favorite books and movies that can keep you good company, and motivate you while you go on summer break. These pieces sure have kept me good company this summer:  

Woke Leadership: Profits, Prophets & Purpose. This debut book by Priscilla Douglas presents the concept of ‘Woke leaders’, who are the stewards of an ‘all in’ equity economy; they are the sentinels for change. I suspect that you might be aspiring to be a Woke leader. In order to do so, you must live at the nexus of consciousness and compassion. I like the concept of Woke leadership because you also live on a continuum of noticing, appreciating, internalizing, and acting. This is not a how-to book, but a guide to the most effective, inspiring leadership that might inspire you. 

Sisters on Track: Check out this inspirational sports documentary of the three Sheppard sisters, Brooklyn-based girls who become middle school track stars against some of the most difficult of situations. This is a coming of age movie about the impact of coaches, support, and love. It will move you to tears, and motivate you to be your best self. 

Just As I Am: A Memoir. All I have to say is ‘yes’! Cicely Tyson provides this description, which she wrote before she passed away earlier this year: “Just as I Am is my truth. It is me, plain and unvarnished, with the glitter and garland set aside. In these pages, I am indeed Cicely, the actress who has been blessed to grace the stage and screen for six decades. Yet I am also the church girl who once rarely spoke a word... I am a woman who has hurt as immeasurably as I have loved, a child of God divinely guided by his hand. And here in my ninth decade, I am a woman who, at long last, has something meaningful to say.” It’s powerful! 

A Wealthy Girl Corner

I am celebrating six months of my book being out in the world. Thank you for journeying with me.


Here is the box of physical books

that I am finally taking out into the world now that we are post-COVID and I’m meeting in-person for my book talks.

Yes! Stay tuned for announcements on where you can find me. 

I leave you with one of my favorite Wealthy girl quotes from Cicely Tyson: “I don't think you can measure wealth in dollars and cents. I really don't believe that at all because there are some things that money cannot buy. One of them is health. And the other is security in your relationships and friends.”