Graduation Day Goodies and Resilience for Juneteenth

It’s graduation season, and do you know what that means? It’s time to honor all of the students who are taking it to their next level in life. I ran into several graduates over the weekend from the University of Chicago, my alma mater, and I was automatically beaming with excitement for their accomplishments

If you are graduating, regardless of age, Congratulations! And if you’re in the support role (that’s all of us), please make sure to shower the graduates around you with lots of love and attention. And, be sure to offer them any nuggets of wisdom, an internship, exposure to your job, or how to have an entrepreneurial mindset.  

We all benefit during this graduation season. One of my favorite commencement speeches this season is Bryan Stevenson’s speech for the University of Michigan’s graduating class. Here’s what’s relevant for you, graduate or not (you can find this excerpt at the 6:58-7:13 mark on the YouTube clip)

In the same way that so many of you have been allowed to do the things you’ve done because someone wrapped their arms around you and affirmed your value and worth. That same gift that you’ve been given, I want to encourage you to give it to others and not just the people in your families.
— 6:58-7:13 mark on the YouTube clip

I spent two hours with pending graduates and college students as part of a recent talk with INROADs, for which I am a proud alum. If you’ve never heard of INROADS, it’s an organization that for over 50 years has helped businesses gain greater access to diverse talent (like me when I was in college) through continuous leadership development of outstanding ethnically diverse students and placement of those students in internships at many of North America’s top corporations, firms and organizations.

While I was there to provide advice to them, I was the one who was inspired by their big dreams. I know that you will be inspired too.


4 Things Students Want to Work On

Over the next 6 to 12 months: 

1. “Cultivating my wealth mindset in order to implement my creative ideas”

2. “Building a faith muscle”

3. “Taking initiative”

4. “Starting to invest in the stock market and build wealth!”

If they can have big dreams, so can you.  Don’t forget to dream! 

I was recently asked what resistance means to me as it relates to building a life of wealth. Here’s what I said: 

Resistance is about courage. Resistance is fighting against oppression and adversity. Resistance is choosing to define the future on your own terms. Resistance is coming out on the other side better than the side you started on. Resistance embraces the power of ‘no’ to the people, places, and things that try to hold you back. Resistance is me.
— Charisse

I hope you carry the spirit of resistance in your own wealth journey.  If not you, then who will? 

As we celebrate Juneteenth on June 19th to commemorate the emancipation of enslaved people in the US, remember what resistance means. Because our ancestors resisted, I am here writing to you today. 


A Wealthy Girl Corner

The men in our lives need to know the “wealthy girl” mindset. It’s not too late to give an extra gift to your Dad, or a father you know that has lots of females in their lives. How? You can get them the book that keeps giving: A Wealthy Girl: 7 Steps to Prosperity, Peace, and Personal Power. You can buy the book on Amazon HERE for the men in your life because they will want to support all the women in their lives and the ‘wealth girl’ mindset is powerful for them too! My own father has helped shape my wealthy girl mindset, and I’m forever grateful. 

In case you missed my Instagram Live with Kelly Saulney from Camelback Ventures, you missed a good one. That said, I’ll summarize it for you in two sentences. First, we talked about 'generational inheritance,’ which means that to increase generational wealth, what we pass down is about more than money. Generational inheritance, like my holistic view of wealth as both tangible and intangible assets, is powerful!