Boom, You Did it: You Took Action

We are at the end of March, and hasn’t it been a long month?  We will get through this difficult time. I do believe that we will be in a new-normal when it is all said and done. In the interim, keep the faith and I hope that you stay healthy and secure. 

Today, I want to share ‘breakthrough’ achievements over the past week from Charisse Says members. Your fellow members are taking action on their money pursuits, and I’m so proud. Y’all are listening, and also developing your own approaches! Here are the top achievements - Boom, you did it: 

  • “Charisse, I opened a brokerage account for the first time ever.” 

  • “I started a wealth group with my family in the midst of COVID-19 so that we can pool our resources and grow our wealth together.” 

  • “I bought Zoom stock [ticker: ZM] a few weeks ago, and I feel more encouraged than ever. It’s gone up from $125 to over $150.” 

  • “Charisse, I invested more money into our children’s 529 plans because I’m not paying for daycare expenses right now and used those funds for their 529s.”

  • “Charisse - I increased my retirement percentage so that I could take advantage of a down market.”  

  • “I have 2 new business ideas that I’m pursuing.” 

Thank you to all of you (you know who you are) for letting me know, especially in the spirit of my 2020 theme - Connection. I encourage you to continue to share about your achievements. Please share other achievements on my blog below. 

I do acknowledge that times are hard, and still, we must celebrate the wins. If there are questions that you have, or topics particularly pressing, please send these my way too and we will chop it up! 

Remember, wealth is also about investing in the relationships in your life that matter. Take advantage of the opportunity with your loved ones this week.