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3 Ways You Can Blossom in Spring: Lessons from Women's History Month

It’s a new month. It’s spring and the start of a new quarter. The stock market is in a bit of a frenzy and global trade is still recovering from the ship stuck in the Suez Canal - and, oh my, right smack dab in the middle of Holy Week for many people around the world!  

I purchased new gardening tools to start an herb garden, and it reminded me that it’s time to bring new things to life and blossom. 

Are you or someone in your circle looking to start something new? 

On my A Wealthy Girl virtual book tour over the last few weeks, a lot of the attendees have wanted to know how they can start a wealthy girl circle, take their first step in investing in something they’ve never invested in before, begin writing their own book or launching a business, and even finding a new job. Tell me, by replying to this email, what’s one new thing that you’re looking forward to doing. I really want to know.

I bet part of your desire to start something new is related to your wealth goals. You want to experience freedom, take advantage of some opportunity, get out of a bad or life-draining situation, or bring yourself some joy. I also have a feeling that fear of the unknown or a lack of confidence in your own abilities might be stopping you from taking the leap. Or, just maybe, you can’t seem to find the time to take that next step with some many things going on, especially the emotional and mental fatigue of COVID-19. 

I’m here to tell you that you CAN do that thing. It takes some self-assurance, some planning, and some smiles that yourself. 

Trust me, I understand wanting to do something and then not feeling quite equipped to take the plunge. For example, I produced the audiobook version of A Wealthy Girl for the very first time and it was very scary. I had to record the audiobook in my upstairs bathroom as recording studios were closed and quite expensive in COVID-19. Before going into the experience, I also wondered how in the world I would finish narrating the book with my active 18-month old baby girl. After adorning the space with materials from my grandmother to surround me with some inspiration and then talking with hubbie to meticulously plan out the days and times I would record, I then went to work one hour at a time over the course of a month. I subsequently spent over 25 hours of recording time to produce an 8 hour book.

I’m telling you, if you stick with it, no matter how hard the task at hand might seem, you will get there. You can check out a free snippet from my audiobook below in the Wealthy Girl corner so you can hear the finished product. More importantly, you will see the manifestation of ‘something new.’ If I can do it, so can you!  

I’ve also rounded up three of my favorite inspirational talks and advice from women during last month’s Women’s History celebration for you to digest. I’m sure there’s something in here for you to get that self-assurance that you need to blossom this spring. 

  • Get Moving: The result of not doing your thing is a dream deferred. I listened to NPR’s “Siete Family Foods: Miguel and Veronica Garza” episode on How I Built This with Guy Raz. The episode chronicles the journey of the Garza family, and how they built a now $200 million dollar Mexican American brand by doggedly going after their dreams and having a family-first mentality. Veronica’s brother told her, “Life is too short to stay somewhere where you’re not happy...If Veronica didn’t attempt the business, she was going to be more upset seeing another person bringing that product to market.” I purchased Siete tortilla chips last week and let me tell you, those chips are scrumptious. I paid the $4.29 a bag price and I will be buying more! 

  • Let Go of Fear:  Be brave enough to let your light shine. Everyone on the planet probably now knows the name Amanda Gorman, who busted on the scene two months ago. That’s right, Amanda was the youngest person to deliver a poem at a U.S. presidential inauguration, with the 22-year-old reciting her poem "The Hill We Climb." So much of doing what you want to do is about your mindset. Well, the hardcover copy of Amanda’s poem was released earlier this week. As I re-read the poem, one line in particular stands out as it’s relevant to us every day as we fight the FEAR MONSTER:

When day comes we step out of the shade,

aflame and unafraid

The new dawn blooms as we free it

For there is always light,

if only we’re brave enough to see it

If only we’re brave enough to be it


  • Support Others: If you’re not the one building something, you can still support in other ways. Even if you’re not the one actively trying to build something new in this moment, it doesn’t mean that you’re absolved of sitting on your hands. Quite the opposite! You can take the time to act on what I call your B.I.A.S.E.S., albeit as it relates to a business or initiative that might not be your own. You can buy from businesses, invest in initiatives or programs, amplify the voices of those who are starting something new, start something yourself, expose and encourage future generations, or spread the wealth by sharing your knowledge with others. I shared this B.I.A.S.E.S. framework at a talk I did for High Water Women, an non-profit organization promoting a call-to-action on behalf of women who are in crisis from the pandemic.  

A Wealthy Girl Corner

You knew it was coming - my audiobook. Below is a snippet from the audiobook version of A Wealthy Girl. You can now get a copy for yourself or someone else by buying it here on Amazon. If you’re an Audible subscriber like me, you can use one of your credits to scoop up the book. 

Audiobook Clip: I Am a Wealthy Girl